09 November 2005

william michael graves--welcome to the world, darlingest boy. i promise to love you my whole life. i promise to listen to your adventures and misadventures with my full attention. i promise to be your friend and take you to the zoo. i promise to get you hopped up on sugar and then take you home to your mom and dad. i promise to remember you birthday, and always send you something random. i promise to think about you everyday, and be grateful to God that i know you. i promise to burn lots of gas coming to see you, and i promise i will never complain about the long drive. i promise i will never be too tired to tell you a story or sing you a song. i promise i will ask your mom and dad before i take you to the movies or let you try a new food or drive my car. i promise to make you watch the sun come up at least one time in our life together. i promise to take pictures of you covered in bluebonnets. i promise to burp you after i give you a bottle. i promise to tell you stories about your daddy when he was a little boy. i promise to get you out of jams, when i can help, and to give you inside info on crazy family members. i promise to hold you as much as i can without being a baby hog. mostly, i just promise to love you every day more than i love you today, better than i love you today. you are the newest in a long line of people i love. i promise to be generous with my love, to tell you how much i love you every time i see you.  Posted by Picasa


Anonymous said...

Rach- he is so cute! Congrats!

Anonymous said...

Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful, beautiful boy...

Anonymous said...

Rachel-What a cute, cute baby and your bro and sis-in-law didn't look so bad themselves after going through such an ordeal. Oh, and I must say your mom does not look old enough to be a grandma. What a good looking family.

Anonymous said...

Rachel, he is so adorable. Congratulations to the family.Great times ahead!!

Anonymous said...

Hello to all!

Just checked out the blog to see if there were pics of Baby Will and I was so excited. He is absolutely beautiful and I'm not saying that just because he is my great nephew. Thanks for sharing a moment of such joy with us, wish we were there, but will be soon!

We love ya'll,

Aunt Inez, I'm a Graunt, :o)

Anonymous said...

Will is such a beautiful baby. We love you guys very much and can't wait to see you all.

Anna, Gene, and Austin

Anonymous said...

Rach, Will is so beautiful! Auntie Advice, whether Anna agrees or not, I feel I am a good Ant, damn it. Austin knows who I am, make that top proirty. I am Mimi (eaiser to say) and that it what all the girls call me so why confuse him. Send him cards, Halloween, Easter, all the big holiday's and then some. Spoil him. I know Aunt Slana will as has Austin's grandparents, but it is different coming from his aunt. Love him unconditionally as I do Austin. Whether he is sick or well, babysit. I helped Mom keep Austin Monday and I only hope that makes Anna and Gene more comfortable with me keeping him. Do all the things with him when he gets a little older that Seth and Monica don't or wouldn't. Make him unafraid to try things, but keep him safe like he is your own. That is how I feel about my nephew. Being there when he came into the world was one of the happiest times in my life and the only thing I know will top that, is when Arch and I have our own and my sister (no matter what our differences), my parents and God willing, you be there. Love him with all your heart as I do Austin and as I will any other nieces and nephews I have. Just love! You have a huge heart and I know you will be a DAMN good Aunt!!! Tell Sether and Monica I said congrats and cherish this time. God I can not believe my little Sether is a Daddy. God be with you all and know my thought, prayers and love are with you ALL. Tell Aunt Slana I love her so very much and I know she is already a great Grandmother. Tell all MOm said congrats!!! I love you all so much and miss you like crazy. All my love, Mia

Anonymous said...

That is my beautiful nephew.........I can't wait to see the lil booger. Best wishes to Seth and Monica. WELL done Rachel snd Slana. Our crew is getting bigger and that can only mean bigger parties and better jokes. I bet he will be a great musician like the rest of the Graves.

Beth said...

Congratulations, Auntie Rachel. Dude, you're gonna be the coolest aunt ever.

And tell that beautiful baby's parents that I said congratulations! Actually, tell your whole darn family that!