the short story of the rest of the vacation goes something like this-- ryan and i rented a car. we went to maine for an afternoon/evening. it was gross. we went back to boston and slept, because if we had gone out to the cape that night, it would have cost us $190 for a queen-sized bed (only one, i might add) at a best western (or something like that) in fall river. not just no, but hell no. so, we went to plymouth the next morning. the day was beautiful. high blue sky, and a little brisk. i took along a jacket. it was sunday, so the traffic wasn't bad at all. we got coffee at dunkin donuts. it was good. the breakfast sandwich i got, sadly, was gross.
i'd like to point out that texas does not have the market cornered on dumbass drivers. i'm not talking about people who occasionally space out, or drive with their blinkers on for miles, or even the one's who perpetually drive ten miles slower than the speed limit in the fast lane. no, no-- i'm talking about people who actually come to a full stop on merge lanes when there is no one coming in the next lane. i'm talking about people who aren't watching the merge traffice, they're watching you come down the ramp behind them. i'm talking about the a-hole i love tapped at the bottom of the merge lane on our way into plymouth township, who insisted on pulling over to check the bumper on his car.
brendan-- don't get all panicked. we didn't even call the cops, and all the info on my driver's license is at least three apartments old by now. sucka...
at any rate, thank God for five mile an hour bumpers, and that God loves morons. this guy had bumpers and was a moron, so all to the better, i say. yeah, instead of merging like he was supposed to, he was watching me come down the ramp. i was trying to see what was going on and why he wasn't merging when i tapped him. i was not happy. not happy at all. honest mistake, but even so. he was fine, his passenger was fine (they both said s0) but he took my info anyway. he said he'd been "watchin' yas, and i didn't like how ya was comin aff the ramp". i hope he was just having a bad and isn't really that big of an a-hole in real life...
plymouth looks like exactly what you'd expect it to look like. lots of "ye olde shoppes" along the water front. plymouth rock (see pictures) is way up at the water line, and i hate to tell you this folks, but there's no way in hell the mayflower actually got anywhere near that rock. they even told us as much on the tour of the historic MayflowerII. as an aside, Mayflower II and most of the "ye olde shoppes" were full of workers in period dress, much like Williamsburg, etc. it's kind of informational and kind of creepy. plymouth was interesting-- i didn't get the chills or the warm fuzzies, but i did get a little teary reading the native american plaque. as much as i'm glad for forward progress and all, and as thankful as i am to live in a free/industrialized nation, it makes me sad to think of all the people who got stepped on and over on our way to where we are.
the ride home was uneventful. we returned the car, told the guy about the bumper dude, and went to find some lunch. we ended up eating on newberry street, but sadly missed the tricycle man who screams at people to move. we drank some adult beverages, and watched the red sox game on tv. once we had a decent buzz, we called my mother, because that's just what ryan and i do when we drink together. i don't remember what we talked about, but i know everyone was laughing. we did actually make it back to ryan's and promptly fell asleep.
monday was lots of walking-- we went to harvard square, and while i wanted to buy something in the harvard bookstore, i didn't want to spend $60 on any given item. so we ate some really bad mexican food and went back to town. and then i bought my obligatory t-shirts, etc. then we went home, and slept some more. and then, i had to be up at 3am on tuesday, so i could come home.
and just like paul harvey says, now you know the rest of the story.
something informaiton and enlightening to post next time, perchance.
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